Thursday, September 28, 2006

Bible Love vs. Worldly Love

I was sitting with two female friends at the cafeteria today, discussing a scenery just outside our window. The scene was that of a young man and a young lady lost in embrace. While one of my table companions expressed a sigh of yearning for her youth, the other expressed her worldly opinion of what the future outcome of the young lovers’ lives will be. I turned to both companions and said, "Bible love, meet worldly love." Both ladies looked at me with a bewildered look. I didn't make an effort to give an explanation as I picked up my tray and excused myself, giving an excuse that I was already way past my lunch break. On my walk back to my project, I wondered about the two sides I created in my mind: Christian love then earthly love.

The Bible has a lot to say about love. In fact, from beginning to end that is its central theme - God’s love for each of us and our love for Him, resulting in our loving one another.The Bible clearly teaches that the most important virtue we share in our fellowship as Christians is our love for one another.
But the world also has a lot to say about love. The problem is that the world doesn’t say the same thing the Bible says. Consequently, because we hear the world say so much about love, we tend to get the two mixed up.
The world tends to look at love as strictly a relationship between human beings and we have been taught by the world that if we just love each other enough, we can create for ourselves a utopia on earth.

Paul said, "Love is patient. Love never fails."
Love is not in a hurry, and years from now, the love that is rooted in God’s love will be greater & more mature than it is even now.The world looks at love and it says that love diminishes with time because it sees love in an entirely different way. It thinks that love is something that just happens to us, something that you fall into and you fall out of, like falling off a bicycle. You didn’t intend to do it, but it just happened to you. It was out of your control.
Jesus said, "If you love Me, you keep My commandments." You do something with the love. You demonstrate love. Love hugs. Love touches. Love kisses. Love says, "I love you." Love demonstrates itself in a thousand different ways. That is true love.
Maybe the world doesn’t see it that way, but that is the way that God presents it. It is something that is deeply rooted and grounded in the love of God. It’s something that grows as our years on this earth pass. It is something that has strength of character, stands for what is right, opposes what is wrong. It is love that willingly sacrifices itself. And it is love that reaches out to demonstrate itself in a tangible way so that it can be seen.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16


Terry said...

Hi Noel..This is such a nice posting!
When I went to school 40 years ago[I am ancient!!], the love chapter in Corinthians was a required memorization poem. We had to learn it.
It did us a lot of good, I think. It is just too bad that the public schools these days have not only taken these Bible "poems" out of their literature books , they have even kicked the Bible out of the schools..Way too sad!! From Terry

Lauren-Mary said...

Hi Noel-

What a beautiful posting! 2 Corinthians chapter 13 is actually one of my favourite passages!

Love In Christ-
