Sunday, September 03, 2006

Wicker Man

There’s no way to describe what I was feeling yesterday other than I must have looked like an ant, walking around mindlessly with no purpose or agenda for the colony.
Finally, I resigned to the only method of passing time I could think of: I forced myself into the theaters. I asked the ticket lady what was playing on Theater 12 (the biggest screen in the complex). I had to wait an extra hour before the show started, but I figured I could wait it out while I contributed my share to the entertainment industry’s self-imposed totalitarian food prices.
I watched “The Wicker Man
I will try my best not to give it away if you plan on seeing it --- it’s well worth it, by the way, if you’re into suspense, mysteries, and that sort of stuff. However, I do have a point to this and I will make my best attempt not to give up what may be the entire premise of the movie…
On a side note, I did learn a new word from the movie: QUIXOTIC – Caught up in the romance of noble deeds and the pursuit of unreachable goals; idealistic without regard to practicality.

At any rate, I thought I had the mystery figured out, until the end. Boy was I way off base in my conclusions. What happened to our main character (police officer Edward Malus) is indescribable. My thoughts began to parallel scenes from the entire movie to my experiences these past two months (going through divorce).
Throughout his efforts in solving the mystery, he finds he has a more personal involvement in the plot. In the end, he finds himself fighting a one-man battle and is tricked into making the ultimate sacrifice against his will… all for the sake of family and that family’s attempt at pushing the quixotic and selfish agenda of their cult.
It’s a good movie, but I left out of there feeling more disappointed about life.

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