Monday, October 30, 2006

Facing The Giants

I invited my in-laws last night after church to see the movie “Facing the Giants”. I had heard nothing but praises about this movie but resigned to the idea that it was just another sports film. I couldn’t have been more wrong in my assumptions.

The fact is, this movie is about dedicating your life to Christ, that whatever your work here on earth is you commit yourself to Him 110%. Whenever you despair, you face up to your fears and persevere even when you have no ounce of energy left in your body and the odds are overwhelmingly stacked against you.
It’s about facing your giants and win or lose, on the field or off the field, we praise God in ALL that we do.

The situation I am currently going through had me facing several giants. By committing my life to God, I was able to slay some of them. But why haven’t I slain ALL of them. Is it perhaps I haven’t truly given my 110% and trust that He will sustain me in all that I do?
The day will come when I will have overcome all my giants. I trust that He will someday reward me with true happiness, if not on earth, then in Heaven.

One of the most memorable scenes in the movie involved a man who walked the halls daily praying for revival at the school. He tells a parable about two farmers who both pray for rain. One waits for it longingly. The other waits for it while "preparing his fields." His concluding question was "Which one is truly trusting God?"

To you reading this post, I pose the following questions:

What giants are you faced with today?
Will you be prepared when the rain comes?

The movie is worth more than the cost of a ticket.
And if you do go, bring a loved one and a box of tissue.

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Colossians 3:23, 24


Andrea Sipe said...


Thank you so much for your encouragement (Morning SonRise) - you have no idea how many times I want to just quit. However, after reading many of your posts, I am humbled and honored that God would use me in some small way, as you struggle to simply breathe (or so it seems). I cannot believe that someone as ... I don't know ... undisciplined, rebellious, messed up ... as me could be used by Him in such amazing ways. You have no idea how many times I just ask Him, "Why me?" Surely there must be others out there more suited to the job. Perhaps that is "why me," because I'm the unexpected, I'm not suited for the job, and therefore He gets all the credit (as well He should).
I am thanking Him tonight that He has used me in your life. There is no greater honor or priviledge I can think of ... that my Jesus would spend His time with me is just amazing, and the fact that he would USE me, well .... I have no words ...
Thank you!!


Terry said...

Hello Noel..
It is pretty late at night but I don't have to worry about going to work until Thursday morning.
It has been so nice to have a few days off at last and catch up on some of my other friends in the blogging world.
I didn't have to catch up on YOU though because I am forever checking on you to see how you are doing Noel..
It sounds like today, you are doing just fine and I am so glad.
I have enjoyed your post here and also liked reading Andreas'.
I have gone to her site before because you have her as one of your links and I have read her good writings.

I am so happy that you spent some time with your inlaws.
I know that they are CALLED inlaws but I just bet that you consider them your own family and are sisters and brothers and parents, eh?
I think that is how it should be.

I have never heard of the movie that you are talking about.
Was it in a church?
It is a wonder if it was in a regular show theatre.

I have never gone to a movie but once, in my life to a theatre.
The "once" was the time that the four of us, Betty, me, Teddy and Gary snuck to a show.
Oh boy!!
Did my mom ever get after us when she caught us!
In those days you could just sit and sit in the show building and watch the movie over and over again.
Which we DID for several hours.
We were 9.8.6, and 5 years old at the time I think.
Gary, the 5 year old was the one that treated us to the admission. He had found a whole three dollars that afternoon and of course we had to help him spend it!
I think that it was Teddy's idea to go to the show.
It cost us fifteen cents each.
I will never forget the name of the movie.
It was a Walt Disney movie[although we didn't know that at the time] called "The Ice Princess".
It was a real thriller to four little kids and we really enjoyed it.
It was almost worth the licking that mom gave to us when we got home!!
For sure and it was "our own fault!!" Ha!!
The expression wasn't out at that time but I just bet my mom would of used it if it had been, "Do the crime, and face the fine!"
The "fine" being a good licking!

Anyways Noel this does sound like a good movie.
I know that you have faced giants in you life and that God is allowing them for some reason and he has been helping you,and been constantly at your side and sometimes ahead of you to clear the way.
Of course being the God He is, he can be ahead of you , behind you AND beside you all at the same time.
Not to mention that He is also INSIDE you!

I know that you are dedicating your whole life so much to the Lord.

And the way that you have felt despair, and fear, Noel you will know just how to help someone else who is in the same predicament and that it won't just be empty words that you are encouraging them with.
I remember when I was young, I had a little plaque that said, "Don't judge anyone unless you have walked a mile in his moccasins".
This was an old Indian proverb.
And I imagine that the same thing goes for understanding someone like yourself who is going through the depths of despair.

The story you mention about the two farmers reminds me of Martha and Mary in the Bible.
When Lazarus died, Martha went running out to the Lord to ask Him, "Why?", whereas Mary waited in the house for the Lord to come and see her and tell her why.
Both sisters were sorrowful and both in in their own way.
And Jesus loved them all.[Martha, Mary and Lazarus].
I hate to admit it Noel, but I am such a "Why?" person and it is maybe what I should be working on in my own life.
Not a "Why ME?" person but just a plain "Why?" person.
I just wonder if BOTH of those farmers were trusting God in THEIR own way and you know Noel sometimes even though our faith is feeble, the Lord always comes through for us!!
Just as He has been coming through for Noel Lewis!....God's blessing to you my friend from Terry

Ps.. It is October 31 and you are doing alright...