2. Remember that we are all in the same boat.
3. Plan ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah built the Ark.
4. Stay fit. When you're 600 years old, someone may ask you to do something really big.
5. Don't listen to critics; just get on with the job that needs to be done.
6. Build your future on high ground.
7. For safety's sake, travel in pairs.
8. Speed isn't always an advantage. The snails were on board with the cheetahs.
9. When you're stressed, float a while.
10. Remember, the Ark was built by amateurs; the Titanic by professionals.
11. No matter the storm, when you are with God, there's always a rainbow waiting.
Dear Noel..I have to go to work now but I printed out this excellent posting of yours to take with me so I can read it carefully..
I will comment when I get back!
Blessings to you and give that Nick and Jessica a big hug for me and tell them to quit fighting because Vincent likes to see EVERYONE getting along!
He is a cat after my own heart! I have the same feelings!...Ha!...From your forever friend, Terry
If they DON'T quit fighting, maybe you should send them both to Lauren's blog and make them read her words of wisdom...
Now she is a GIRL after mu own heart!....Please excuse any spelling errors Noel.
Dear Noel...I have just now had the time to comment on your good posting, of which I have been thinking of.
1.I got ON the boat June 27th 1967, when as a lost sinner I came to Jesus as the prodigal son and he took me into His loving arms and saved me!
2.Yes, indeed Noel Lewis we ARE all on the same bost!
The Lord loves us all equally and shows no favoritism.
Just as the father loved the older son of that prodigal...a son who would not board the boat!
3.Yes we have planned ahead.
As soon as we were saved we were given our reservations for Heaven and there is no way that we can be lost again,
God holds us firmly in His grip!!
Good thing too, because if we were holding on to Him, with our own strength we would surely fall!
4. YES! It is a good thing to stay fit and feed on the Word and grow...but you know what Noel, even the little things that we do in obeying Him is something of REAL importance!!
I remember one Sunday School concert that I went to when the children were getting their prizes for the year that the teacher had something positive to say to each child as they went up to receive their prize.
The one that said the most verses and learned the books of the Bible, or had perfect attendance was paised no more then the child who showed the most improvement for the year!
It made me think of the judgment seat where each Christian will surely have done something for the Lord in their Christian life and even the "little" that they have done will not be overlooked by God!
It will be rewarded!
5.If we listened to critics, we would get no where fast!
As long as God approves what harm can critics do to us except maybe make us stronger in the Lord?!
I must admit though,Noel that I do get hurt when people criticize.
I wish too that I would be less prone to criticize others!
Someone once told me that if you are pointing a finger at someone, then you are pointing three fingers at yourself and your thumb is pointing at God!
6. Yes... high ground..in the mountain with the Lord but if sometimes we are on low ground in the valley, God is THERE too right beside us!
7. The Lord sent the disciples out in pairs didn't he?
And when Billy Graham started to preach he would never visit a lady's home to encourage her without bringing a fellow Christian with him!
8.Yes the cheetahs and the snails together were travelling the same speed Noel.
That is a really good thought!
9. No matter what kind of stress we are in, it isn't us that is making the boat move. It is the Lord who is steering and He never rests, so that we CAN!
10. This is so good!!
Amateur children of God building the arc that would never sink but finally rest on dry land on the top of a mountain and the Titanic built by, possibly unsaved experts, I don't know, that said "God Himself could not sink this ship", ending up in the depths of the restless sea!
11. I guess that with God and us the treasure at the end of the rainbow is eternal life with Jesus in Heaven!!
Emmanueil Lewis...I think THIS has been one of my favorite of your postings..
God bless you!!....From Terry
I ALWAYS look forward to your posts!
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