Monday, February 12, 2007

Row, Row, Row Your Boat

I forced myself to the theaters last night just to get away from sulking at the house. There wasn’t really much of anything on so I asked the girl at the ticket counter to pick a movie for me. She gave me a ticket for “Because I Said So
I walked in thinking it actually sounded good… I couldn’t have been more wrong.
The story is centered around a controlling mother who -- in her ways of thinking -- is looking out for the best interest of the youngest of three daughters. When in actuality, she is controlling her daughter’s life and the daughter is forced to give in to the mother’s demands because she couldn’t handle the guilt trips. The control had gotten to the point that the mother’s happiness became more important than the daughter’s. Meanwhile, the nice guy the daughter meets (the one the mother didn’t like) suffers because she couldn’t discern what her true feelings were, not to mention that the mother is practically forcing the guy out of the picture. At some point I found myself blurting out at the screen “Just butt out!” Nevertheless, I forced myself to sit through the rest of the movie.

I saw my wife the other day; we were at the opposite ends of an intersection waiting for our lights to turn. She seemed happy and it made me wonder what she was thinking about. The other night at our daughter’s birthday meeting place, it felt awkward being with her, like I was walking on egg-shells. I had this strong urge to talk to her, to tell her I was still in love with her…

…last night I had a dream.
My wife and I were in the middle of a lake rowing a boat.
The boat had sprung a leak which started small. But as we pushed trying to row the boat to shore, the leak got bigger to the point that my wife didn’t want to scoop the water out anymore. So she jumped out and got to shore. I was left on the sinking boat holding the oars.

…as a team, my wife and I could have gotten the boat to shore and fix it. By myself, I couldn’t row and scoop water out. At some point, the boat HAS to sink… and I will eventually have to go to shore myself. But I will have to pay the price of the lost boat.

This whole period in which we live our lives is our trial time. There will always be moments when we are tempted and will have to make decisions that will affect our lives. How are we going to be able to discern if we’re listening to God or to Satan?

Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings. 1Peter 5:8-9


Terry said...

Dear Noel..When I read this posting, I didn't comment on it right away because I wanted to think about it.

I would have hoped that after your wife had jumped out of the boat that you would have jumped out right after and swam to shore yourself, together with her, your queen!

After all why worry about the boat?
It DID have a leak and it was impossibe to mend it where you were but it was half empty anyway!
So I think that what you SHOULD of done was to have just thrown those pair of oars away and chased the other half of YOU!!!

You didn't have to say the words to your wife at the princess's birthday party, that you loved her.
She would have seen it in your eyes...but it WOULD have been sweet if you HAD of said it!

And if your dear wife reads your "Noel Lewis" postings, she could surely read between the lines your deep love of her still!!

And about that leak Noel...if you are the one that made it, maybe you should apologize for it..

I hope that you are not mad at me for this comment, Noel..

Proverbs 27:6..."Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful"....from your forever friend, Terry

Anonymous said...

Interesting perspective Terry. I interpreted the boat as our Marriage and I was trying to save it. Besides, I did chase after her. And I did apologize to her... and her sisters, her mom, her dad, her church, our children, her friends, our God. All I asked for was a little chance, yet here I am, still holding the bucket and oars. I could never be mad at you Terry.

Terry said...

Yes I knew that you were talking about your marriage dear Noel Lewis.

I never knew that you had covered all the bases with all those apologizes that you made.

It is SUCH a sad situation, one that I am sure I would be failing at if I was in the same trial.

Please forgive me....

One of these days you are going to have to tell me.."Mind your own bees wax!"

I just hope that you will have a happy week Noel....from Terry