Acie has gone from a sickly ( what is a baby buffalo called?) ...calf (?) to a regular walking, standing, pants-chewing, going-number-two pup. Soon hopefully he'll start to eat grass regularly so I don't have to worry about mowing the backyard.
I told a friend I had a buffalo in my backyard --- he freaked and had to see for himself.
He had mixed feelings with his fear of buffaloes, yet he had never actually seen one live before.
So I showed him Acie...

...Pretty fearsome, ain't he?
Oh Noel Lewis!!
That Acie looks like he is just spoiled rotten!
What does Nick think of him?
I am sure he must be full of jealousy at "daddy's" newest kid!!
Noel are there lots of buffalo on your land?
Are they just free to roam and are they in any danger with two legged enemies?
Do you let Acie come into the house, and are you going to have to buy yourself a whole new wardrobe of pants?!!
I don't think that Acie looks fearsome at all and I am so glad that the little guy is getting better!!
Ha!! A lawn mower that won't cost you anything for gas and won't cost you anything for feeding it!!
Only thing is he will STILL want pants for dessert!.....from Terry
Noel !
he looks as mean as a teddy bear!
have fun !
flyby hugging
Thanx Noel...from Terry
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