Well, here he is...ACIE the buffaLAW.
As you can see, he's a little sickly, but I get to help nurse him back. Poor Acie received little or no colostrum from momma and therefore didn't get the necessary antibodies and minerals that all babies need.
Acie got really sick and had to spend the past 3 weeks at the vets. We're hoping that being at my backyard will help in his development.

Hi Noel...Do you remember a couple of months ago you were looking after the little bird, Chaveleh and you felt so bad when the the little guy died?
Now look here...the Lord is giving you ANOTHER of his little creatures into your care and you have the "litta friend" under your wing.!
This is so incredible!
I am so happy thet God has given to you, his beloved child this little oasis in the desert!!
God's blessings....From Terry
he is sooooooo cute!
morning Noel!
have a great day!
Poor little guy.
(Thanks for your supportive comments lately.)
Hi Noel...Just popping over to see how you are and to take a peek at Acie.
Is he getting better in the warm Texas sunshine?
I hope so.
When I came by a little while ago, his picture wasn't showing.
It just had a small red x on it.
I am glad to see him back.
Well take care my forever friend.
I will be talking to you again..From Terry
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