I couldn't sleep. Someone said something to me earlier and it's been the source of my tossing and turning. The topic was the use of the word "Uncomplicated" regarding life and the baggages we have to carry along the way. Is there such a thing as an "uncomplicated" life or are we merely in search of a "less complicated" life?
I'm sticking with "uncomplicated"
In hospitals, they use "complications" to describe issues that lead to health deterioration which may eventually lead to death if not properly treated. To me, "Uncomplicated" is just a word. "Less Complicated" then is just another version, but quantified with the word "Less". Regardless of what type of complications or how many complications a patient endures, extensive periods of discomfort, even death, become unavoidable if the complications persist.
I realize "uncomplicated" may be tagged with "totally devoid of complications" - which may be seen as Perfection. But are our baggages considered complications?. I acknowlege the value of carrying my own baggages because they're essential for my own personal and spiritual growth. My baggages are my own pills to swallow.
I know I can never achieve perfection in all that I do despite my best efforts. So in my journey, I've come to see that an uncomplicated life is within my grasp because I have grown spiritually and that I am alive in Christ.
My #1 goal in life is to be Christ-like. I know that can never happen; Christ was the only perfect being to ever walk the earth. However, if I live my life in service of others, putting others ahead of my own selfish needs and aspirations, living a life devoted to glorifying God, then the best I can hope for in this lifetime is someone announcing in my eulogy that "he was the most loving, caring, self-sacrificing, Godly man"...THAT to me is an uncomplicated life. After all, why would I want to become "Less Christ-like?"
Now, should God make provisions for me to have a life with another woman, then so be it. I accept it with open arms. After all, it was He who said "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." (Gen 2:18)
If not, then I'm okay with that. But I will never stop carrying my baggages. I will not ever settle for a "less complicated" life. I have a lofty goal of an "uncomplicated" life.
Dear Noel, I have read this post over and over again and I could not understand it.
I even printed it out and took it to prayer meeting last night to read it over.
I read it on the sly when everyone had their eyes closed...very bad girl,eh?
Well still not understanding it, I decided like always, if I am having trouble to just "Google it!"
Now the definition for "uncomplicated" in answer.com is... "not complex or involved, simple." eg. "found an uncomplicated solution to the problem.
I remember years ago that although an operation was successful that there were more deaths in the hospitals.
After a patient was operated on, he would be made to stay right in bed and because of this lying down, would develop pneumonia and this was the complication that would kill him.
One day someone came up with the brilliant idea that a patient should be gotten up almost immediately after surgery.
At first he would be sat in a chair for a while and then he would be walked short distances, with the nurse's help of course.
Well presto!
Within a week or so the patient goes home recovered, no complications!
I guess it is the same in a Christian's life, Noel.
The trials that we go through, sometimes, we just want to lay down and give up!
I can see that you have a very lofty goal.
You are willing to walk with your head high, holding on to the Lord's hand.
I would say that you should take anything that He gives to you whether it ba a woman by your side or whether not....
I hope you can understand this "complicated" comment!
"Complicated"..."not easy to understand or analyze."
That's ME!!! From Terry
PS 1. Now I usually pay attention in prayer meeting Noel Lewis beacuse I know that it is a very important meeting.
I DID pay attention after I had read you posting over a few times..with NO success, I might
PS 2..You are living your eulogy already..in THIS order, Godly, most loving, caring and self-sacrficing "Christ-like" man.
PS 3..I hope He does bring you to a nice lady Noel!
Aw..Just me to bug you again Noel!
I was just down at the Piglrim Scribblings and he has written a wonderful post...just like he had YOU in mind!!
It is called "Digging for Gold..."
I hope you will read it...from Terry
Terry, I don't understand it myself either.
I was heavily medicated at the time I wrote it and I couldn't sleep. I was actually just "clustering" - writing some ideas down to pass time. I was trying to justify my reasoning but apparently I didn't do a very good job.
Noel...but I finally DID understand it.
That's the point!!
You didn't sound confused at all to me.
I think it is a very good post!!
I just bet that Curious Servant would know what you are talking about!
Now you will have to read it over quite a few times, eh?
And then YOU will understand!
But don't do it at prayer meeting!..from Terry
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