“It’s the magic book, daddy”.

“He who ignores discipline comes to poverty and shame, but whoever heeds correction is honored.” Proverbs 13:18.
I realize that in today’s society, this text can be interpreted by many different people in a variety of ways. From what I was feeling that day about all the biased political forecasts I’ve had to regurgitate from all forms of media, I may have somehow interpolated a form of political agenda into the actual meaning of the text.
Shaking the visions of fireworks left by the political goings-on in my head, I bent over to my son and read the text softly in his ear. When I finished, he looked up at me with an “Ahhh” expression as if he understood it.
“Oh, but wait…” I said, opening the bible to another passage.
Then he said to them, "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's." Matthew 22:21.
My son’s response to me was “Daddy, you’re weird”
For the past few months, I’ve heard on radio, saw on tv, and read on newspapers and magazines anything and everything about this presidential election. Throughout the whole process, I’ve developed my own opinions about each of the candidates, but despite all the negativity I’ve seen and heard, I’ve always been respectful of the political process.
I don’t know what the future holds for this country, nor can I predict what direction an openly socialistic single-party government will take. I do know that for my part, a form of “rendering to Caesar what is Caesar’s” will no doubt become a mandated mantra necessitating a stricter form of discipline on my part in my financial activities.
At any rate, my son, my youngest son had made me realize that as we Americans embrace the winds of “Change” we will have to face ahead, I've had to turn to the Magic Book for guidance and understanding. I’ve no doubt that some --- if not most --- of us will be doing the same.
God Bless.
It was so good to see you all today!!! The children were so sweet and grown up! Having Cheney drag me around the playground warmed my heart! Thanks for visiting. :-)
Dear Noel Oh you had your kids with you?!
I am so happy and also sad that I haven't been here sooner!
You gave me the address of yours and Karen's blog but it is buried inside my computer somewhere.
I am glad that you are keeping up this blog though.
Do you ever have time to visit me?
I surely know that this is a busy life but I feel bad that you didnt see the birthday post that I made for you.
It is Dad Golden's birthday on Wednesday.
He will be 82 years old and is not saved yet.
How fortunte your chldren are to have a Christian Dad who loves the Lord and has such godly wisdom for them.
Well I must go now Noel.
Give my love to your wife...Love always from your forever friend, Terry
Thank you for serving in Desert Storm. Our family appreciates your service to our country and protecting our freedoms.
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