I’m blinded by the way your eyes light up my world
You’re up there to be admired.
I’m down here, wearing my heart on my sleeve.
At this moment in time I feel safe;
I know that l have you in my life.
Your presence provides that security blanket that keeps me warm,
In its purest and simplest ways, I can tell you everything.
Even though your lips don’t speak to me;
Even though your hands can’t feel me;
Even though your eyes can’t feel the weight of my stare - - -
The picture of you gives me all the words and touch l need.
I can never imagine a love so real.
Eternal love emanates from every word you’ve said
You've captured my heart in so many ways.
It’s all l can do to embrace you in return.
Please forgive me if I'm not graceful or as eloquent
When it comes to showing the type of love you’ve shown me.
My only hope is that these simple words
Can change the way you see me
And for right now, I have you emblazoned in my mind.
For this moment, I have your love to keep me warm.
I can love you from a distance,
But in my thoughts you love me just the same.
I know that all my life I’ll stumble.
Down here, I’m as human as I will ever be.
But up there with you I know I’m perfect.
For now, I will patiently await the day when I can be with you.
Hi Noel...It has been such a busy week and I have not even been down to check your blog.
What a beautiful post this is!
It is a whole lot better than any Christmas trees or decorations!
The real reason why that Jesus came into the world to save the likes of us!
Oh you are so right about His eyes lighting up your world!
Just to think that just like the song says that He looked out into the crowd and saw you Noel and He loved you!
I am so happy that you still realize this.
Thank you for such a good reminder Noel Lewis!!....from Terry
PS...Noel, I had to change my template because I wasn't able to sign into my Canadian Blog except through the Manitoba one and I was getting a warning on the dashboard..
I liked the one you made me better.
Now I have to find out how I can put my list of post titles on again..
My dad has been quite ill but we are hoping that the Lord will use this to speak to him about his soul...
Blessings to you Noel and it is so nice to hear your voice again
Merry Christmas Noel and I wish that you will have some quality and loving time with your three chlldren during the holidays...love Terry
Happy New Year Noel Lewis....love Terry
hey Noel,
been awhile , hopeya doing ok!
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