Tuesday, April 21, 2009


A very long time ago, three men were thrown into a fiery furnace because they stuck to their beliefs. They didn’t get caught up with the current times and faithfully obeyed their God. And with no one to stand with them much less plead their cause, they faced ignominious death during a time when the rest of land is caught up with trying to fit in.

Understandably so, the people were so conflicted that they were caught up with keeping their lives. The great king at the time could have turned any trivial idea into law and it would have to be followed, else those who disobey will die.
The problem is, none of these human-made laws are God’s laws, and often go as far as going against Godly ideals.

Last night, I watched as a beautiful young lady listened to a very basic question “ Do you think every state should… [legalize same sex marriage]? Why or why not?”

Her response was received with a mix of applause and boo’s “I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman…No offense to anybody out there. But that's how I was raised and that's how I think that it should be between a man and a woman."

She didn’t win the contest.
In addition to her loss, the judge who posed the question later was interviewed and attacked her.

…last I looked, homosexuality is a sin.

I admire that this woman stood by her values.
I’m sure that as she answered this ridiculous question, her parents could not have been more proud to have raised such a strong ethical woman.
Imagine how her parents must be feeling right now as they watch a video of the judge – this gay man who has nothing good to say.

I’m shaking my head at the thought of raising my children in a world where it’s ok to “fit in”, where the “me” is more important than the common good…where a gay man can go bash Godly beliefs on national television and be applauded.

To answer an old cliché, rather than asking for world peace, I would ask that Hollywood stay out of politics, that all news media stick to reporting --- not shoving their agenda down our throats.
Leave politics to the politicians.

1 comment:

Terry said...

hi noel...so nice to hear your voice again.
it has been so long since you posted and i really miss you.
i come quite often here to look for you.
this week was a busy one and so i just thought i would come by now.

as usual, you have a great post.
i admire that young lady too. it just seems like she is surrounded by angry dogs as she voices her beliefs.
it is quite a sore subject to be taken up with.
canada, it seems is getting worse and worse about this.
some preachers here that refuse to perform same sex marriages are being put right out of their pulpits.
it just seems that the ones who want to abide by god's word are the ones who are looked upon as the strange ones.
i pray for you and your children and your wife noel lewis, my forever friend and hope that all is going well for you...love terry