So many events have happened in my life these past couple of years and the one solid thing in my life that’s given me the inspiration to see above myself suddenly occupied my thoughts. As I checked the charge on the battery, I remembered the day my sister in law Diane found out the seriousness of her cancer. She wasn’t given very much to live, yet here she is almost three years later, she’s seen her youngest son graduate from college. And God willing, she will be there when her son got married. These were goals she set for herself. Her source of strength --- the love she has for her son.
Diane may never know it, but she’s been a source of strength for me.

One of my prayers is that my children will always know, deep down in their heart, that no matter what --- I will always be there for them, that I value every single moment with them, that I love them no matter where they are or what they do.
Whenever I feel like my spiritual, emotional, and physical batteries are starting to run low on power, Diane’s story is the plug on my spiritual charger.
Because of Diane, I am constantly reminded that because of the power God has for me, not only can my batteries be recharged – God can do immeasurably more than I think is possible through me, through Diane, through His church.I can only wish that the situation between us were different, but things do happen for a reason. God has a bigger plan for Diane. Even if it means I have to be the one standing at a distance, I’m okay with that.
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. Eph. 3: 20-21
1 comment:
oh noel lewis....i am so happy to hear about diane.
what a great living tribute you have written for her and it would thrill her heart that she has been such inspiration!
diane and your other sister-in-law are so precious.
and noel, from as long as i have known you, you have always loved your children and placed them in the most important positron in your life...they will never forget this, your little princess and your two priceless sons.
what a daddy you have been and still are to them!
the lord has seen this and he will bless you for sure.
you are a good man emmanuel noel lewis and you will always be my forever terry
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