Sunday, June 21, 2009

Another Father's Day

Today is Father’s Day.
No big surprise there.
Not to discount all the great men out there who have raised wonderful and productive children, but for me I think this day is best used to honor Moms…No, not the Moms honored last month on Mother’s Day…I’m referring to Step-Moms.

I took my family to church this morning, greeted by all the church members who knew me, wishing me Happy Father’s Day.
As I shook outstretched hands and returned hugs, I couldn’t help but look at my wife…Poised, calm, keeping my two young children in tow --- holding the youngest one on one hand, with her other hand on the older one’s shoulders.
She is not the mother of my three children.

As I think back several months before we married, I can see a petite, beautiful, vibrant woman with no baggages… so full of joie-de-vivre.
When she married me, she became an instant mom.
Today, as my wife stares blankly outside the kitchen window, she can’t help but hear the two boys argue about the video game and my daughter blaring her Jonas Brothers songs.
I wonder what she’s thinking about.
Could she be thinking how quiet her single life was?
Could she be wishing for something else?
Could she be wondering if she made the right choices?

They say that “behind every good man is a great woman.”
Whether it be the first wife, the second wife, or the 10th wife…that saying is ever true.
I have to admit, I don’t deserve her.
She has her own struggles she had to deal with, but I’m very lucky that a wonderful, caring, beautiful, unselfish woman loves me enough to take me as I am --- baggages and all.

Happy Father's Day,
More importantly "Happy Step-Mom’s Day."


Terry said...

oh noel, are you seeing your children more now?
i am so happy about this!
I have heard so little about your life since your marriage to that pretty karen please drop me a line when you have the time and let me know how everything is going...i still have the same email address...again...happy fathers from your forever friend terry

ps... you sound so happy in this post...happier than the last one.

Terry said...

happy fourth of july noel and karen and children.
you truly deserve to celebrate freedom noel lewis because your braveness helped to buy some of it!
love from your forever friend terry